Pass-A-Grille, Florida is a small neighborhood at the extreme southern tip of St. Pete Beach, in Pinellas County, Florida. Near the end of the island is the scenic “downtown” area, which features this short lane, otherwise known as 7th Avenue. The road to sunset leads through Pass-A-Grille!

The entire road is just a few hundred feet long, but in it’s length you’ll find food, lodging, shopping, and nightlife. It’s great to visit Pass-A-Grille, but don’t tell all your friends! We can keep it just a bit secret, right?
As I made this photo, it occurred to me that while I was looking generally west, the sunset (while gorgeous) wasn’t exactly aligned in my view. Time to break out the Photographer’s Ephemeris! According to the Ephemeris, the next time that the sunset will be directly aligned with this particular street will be March 30, 2020. I shall plan to be there!

Given that the ephemeris shows the alignment for the exact moment of sunset, it might be interesting to plan for a day or two later. This way, I can capture the sun slightly above the horizon. It’ll be interesting to see if I can produce a “Stonehenge” type of image.
I’ve written and posted about Pass-A-Grille in the past, and hope to keep it up in the future!